NERC Early Career Researcher evaluation

NERC is undertaking an evaluation of its support for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to be completed in 2017. This evaluation is the first of its…

LERC Wales staff and board members circa 2007

Ten Years of the LERC Network in Wales

The Local Environmental Records Centres Wales celebrated a decade of close collaboration at a special event at the University of Wales Trinity St Davids, Carmarthen,…

NBN CEO speaking at Birdfair

Are you going to Birdfair at Rutland Water this year? Sometimes referred to as the Birdwatching Glastonbury, it’s an annual highlight for birders and wildlife…

Call for evidence

The House of Lords Select Committee on the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 was appointed by the House on 29 June 2017. The remit…

Network News July 2017

View Network News July 2017. In this issue: UK Awards – time is running out to nominate New NBN team member SBIF Review – workshop…

NBN Atlas is highly commended!

We were delighted that the NBN Atlas received a highly commended award at the CIEEM awards in late June. The CIEEM Awards are an annual…

Sensitive species workshop

The NBN Atlas automatically blurs records of species that are on a pre-defined sensitive species list, so that their exact location is not available publicly.…

Badger at Wildwood. Credit Nida Al-Fulaij

New mammals on roads app

A new Mammals on Roads app has been created to enable sightings of Britain’s mammals to be recorded on the move.  This will allow wildlife…

Marine citizen science in Europe survey

Successful marine environmental management addresses the needs and interests of stakeholders and communities. Marine Citizen Science is growing in Europe, but its potential for marine conservation…

2017 GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge now open

The 2017 GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge will award €14,000 in prizes to developers and data scientists who create tools that increase the accessibility and interoperability…

2017 BES Policy Fellowship

Applications are now open for the 2017 BES Policy Fellowship, offering a mid-career ecologist the chance to spend up to six months on a placement…

Network News – June 2017

View Network News June 2017.  In this issue: Who will you nominate for the 2017 UK Awards? Data upload templates and guidance now available The SBIF Review –…

BES Grants Committee

The British Ecological Society is looking for two Ordinary Members to join its Grants Committee. This is a great opportunity to be part of an interesting Committee,…

In this section

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