4 August 2020
The 20 most popular datasets on the NBN Atlas
As part of its 20th anniversary celebrations during 2020, the National Biodiversity Network Trust (NBN Trust) is highlighting the 20 most popular datasets on the…
4 August 2020
As part of its 20th anniversary celebrations during 2020, the National Biodiversity Network Trust (NBN Trust) is highlighting the 20 most popular datasets on the…
4 August 2020
Applied Ecology Resources (AER), a new initiative from the British Ecological Society, is a new dynamic repository allowing information on ecological management and environmental resources to be found in one…
20 July 2020
As lockdown restrictions are eased, volunteers are being asked to take part in a new study investigating nature connectedness this summer. The project called ‘Nature…
8 July 2020
View Network News July 2020. In this issue: NBN Awards – only 2 weeks left to nominate! NBN Conference 2020 – save the date! Trevor…
8 July 2020
This year’s NBN Conference was due to be held at The Open University in Milton Keynes on 18 and 19 November. However, as the uncertainty…
7 July 2020
While not everyone likes spiders, the British Arachnological Society has got three spider surveys for you to get involved with – and you don’t need…
7 July 2020
The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT) is calling on members of the public to record their at-sea excursions and sightings of whales, dolphins, porpoises…
5 July 2020
Emily Seccombe, an MSc student at the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, is studying the perceived accuracy of the Great Crested…
5 July 2020
Bumblebee Conservation Trust has launched a wildlife app that gives users a new view of bumblebees through an augmented reality 3D function. The free ‘What’s…
4 July 2020
In an effort to better understand the uses and ultimately the societal value of public ocean data, the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN)…
4 July 2020
Gilbert White’s House was due to celebrate a year-long programme of events celebrating the 300th anniversary of Gilbert White’s birth with the climax being a…
3 July 2020
Elliot Fisher, an MSc student at the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, is studying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on…
15 June 2020
OCR, the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA examinations board, has launched a consultation in response to the call for developing a GCSE in Natural History. The…
12 June 2020
Butterfly Conservation Scotland is asking for help in searching for the caterpillar of the Mallow moth, this June, particularly from southern Scotland. Last year a…
8 June 2020
The NBN Trust is very sad to note the passing of Trevor James on Friday 5 June 2020. Trevor worked for the NBN Trust for…
3 June 2020
View Network News June 2020. In this issue: NBN Awards for Wildlife Recording 2020 Job vacancy – Full Stack Developer Honorary membership – final chance…
3 June 2020
We are delighted to hear that Professor Helen Roy, long term advocate of sharing data through the NBN and NBN Trust Honorary Member, is the…
27 May 2020
Wildlife charity People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) is calling for people across the UK to take part in their ‘Stag Weekend’. This is a…
18 May 2020
Help is needed to record False Blister Beetles (Oedemera) in Scotland. There are two species of Oedemera that occur in Scotland and another two that…
18 May 2020
Written by Dr Adrian Cooper On 11 May, Felixstowe’s Community Nature Reserve celebrated its fifth anniversary. This article picks out some of the big lessons…