Year of Green Action

On 31 January, Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, launched the Year of Green Action.  This is a year-long drive to get more people from all backgrounds involved in projects to improve the natural world – be that in our own gardens, schools or workplaces, or as consumers.

The Year of Green Action is part of the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan.

What is a Green Action?

A ‘green action’ is being defined as any action that delivers against at least one of the three themes below:


Improving people’s understanding of the state of the environment, the benefits a healthy environment can bring, and the effect of their actions on the natural world.


Helping communities and businesses to reduce their impact on the environment through greener decision-making.


Inspiring people to enrich the environment, encouraging individuals and organisations to actively improve their local environment.

Events Calendar

A calendar of events is being compiled which will showcase the range and breadth of green action taking place across the country throughout 2019. So, if you’re holding a relevant event during 2019 then please get in touch with the Defra team

Social media

One of the easiest ways to spread the word about the year is through social media. Please use the hashtag #YearOfGreenAction to promote your actions.

As children and young people are at the heart of the Year of Green Action, the Government has also partnered with the charity, Step Up To Serve, to encourage youth social action through their #iwill4nature campaign in 2019.


For more information, please download the Year of Green Action toolkit

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