Word Press iRecord Form

NBN Trust Corporate Supporter, White Rabbit, has created a new Word Press Form so that users can show the iRecord “Casual Record” page on their own websites.

Display the iRecord Form

Add the iRecord Casual Record Form to any page of your WordPress website by using the shortcode [wpirecord].

You can also use additional shortcodes to display the iRecord Taxon-specific record submision forms and embed forms such as:

Ladybird Recording Form [wpirecord-ladybird]

Moth Recording Form [wpirecord-moth]

Glow Worm Recording Form [wpirecord-glow-worm]


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the plugin documentation to find out how to show the WP iRecord Form on your page.

More information can be found on the Word Press website.


Th plugin has been developed by White Rabbit to help others in recording biodiversity to support conservation.

White Rabbit is still offering free technical support for smaller organisations or volunteer run schemes, so that they can set up websites and social media channels. If you are a member of the NBN Trust and are interested in using White Rabbit, please contact support@nbn.org.uk.

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