SBIF Advisory Group vacancy for Commercial Sector representative

The Scottish Biodiversity Information Forum (SBIF) Advisory Group is looking for an additional representative from the Commercial Sector to help them progress the recommendations of the SBIF Review.

The Advisory Group includes representatives from across Scotland, including those involved in the biological recording infrastructure, national and local government, academia, and NGOs. They meet twice a year to explore how each sector can help fully deliver the recommendations of the Review.

Following all that we have achieved to date, and all that is currently underway within each sector and through the Better Biodiversity Data project, we know that we need to better consider perspectives and opportunities from within the Commercial Sector in particular.

If you have a good understanding of what could be done to improve data flows from and to this sector, we would love to hear from you!

If you would like to find out more about this opportunity, please contact SBIF Coordinator, Christine Tansey:

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