A research study to look at the resilience of people in ecology or environmental sectors in the United Kingdom is being undertaken and you are invited to take part.
The research is being carried out by a postgraduate student in the School of Psychology at the University of East London. Meret Guizetti is studying for a Master of Science in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology and is looking at the individual, social and structural factors that contribute to positive emotions, coping resources and resilience of people in these sectors. Your input would be much appreciated.
Criteria for getting involved
Participants have to meet the following criteria:
- See themselves as actively involved in an ecologist/environmentalist movement that works towards at least one of the following goals:
- conservation, restoration and elevation of the natural environment and pollution control
- changing human activities that are environmentally harmful to improve and protect natural environments
- solve environmental problems by implementing new social structures and changes in the ways of life, specifically in western societies.
- Were or have been involved in a non-paid volunteering or activism related activity in an ecologist/environmentalist movement over at least 2 years of their life
- Are currently, professionally active in a professional organisational setting in England or Wales which is non-governmental (NGO) and not-for-profit and promotes the goals of ecologist/environmentalist movements (such as environmental education, campaigning, organising or accompanying ecological initiatives, …) in England or Wales and have been so in England or Wales for at least two years
- Feel comfortable and happy to talk about the topics of coping, positive emotions and resilience in relation to their life and their involvement in ecological movements
In order to minimise potential risks of the study in accordance with the British Psychological Society and the Code of Ethics of the University of East London, the study can only include people who:
- Are not currently in psychological treatment and have not received psychological treatment within the last 2 years
The interview process
If you decide to participate you will be asked to fill out and sign a consent form and the interview will be arranged.
The interviews will be held in English and will be carried out by video call through, either: Signal (which is an encrypted application), Zoom or Skype (not encrypted). The interviews will be recorded with an audio device. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want to and you can interrupt the interview at any time. If you want to withdraw from the interview completely, you can do so at any time. The interviews are estimated to take a maximum of 60 minutes. After the interview you will receive a debrief letter with further information on the study and your participation.
The research has been approved by the School of Psychology Research Ethics Committee. This means that the research follows the standard of research ethics set by the British Psychological Society.
If you would like further information about the research or would like to get involved, please contact Meret Guizetti at u1822946@uel.ac.uk