NFBR Conference Announcements: 2017 and 2018

Booking is now open for this year’s NFBR conference which will be held at the Nottingham Conference Centre on Friday the 5th May.

Conference theme

Organised in partnership with the Association of Local Environmental Records Centres (ALERC), this year’s conference theme is “Think globally, record locally – effective biological recording at the scale needed”.

Thanks to carefully designed national recording schemes, novel data analysis methods, innovative use of technology and the efforts of thousands of dedicated recorders, we have a reasonably good understanding of the state of the UK’s biodiversity and the need for conservation action.  But do we have the data we need to inform decision-making at the range of geographic scales necessary to protect species and habitats?

This conference will explore the ways in which recording can help conservation efforts on a local, landscape, national and even global scale.  Keynote speakers Nick Isaac (Biological Records Centre) and Martin Horlock (Association of Local Environmental Records Centres) will provide an overview of what is already being achieved at a national and local level, and set the scene for discussions about how this could be enhanced through collaboration to adapt successful methods to different scales.

Format of the Conference

During the day there will be a variety of short talks from national schemes, LERCs and other organisations, giving practical advice about successful techniques and technologies currently used in biological recording.  These will be followed by workshops to discuss how these methods could be adapted and implemented to improve the effectiveness of biological records to inform monitoring and decision-making at local and landscape scales.

Conference programme

The conference programme is in preparation and will be available on the NFBR website shortly.  If you would like to offer a short talk or facilitate a workshop, please contact Jodey Peyton on


Conference tickets are £45 for NFBR members and £55 for non-members.  For further information and booking visit the NFBR website

Field trips

NFBR field trips are always popular events, and this year we are offering a choice of two sites on Saturday 6th May: Sherwood Forest for the arboreally minded or Attenborough Nature Reserve for the wetland inclined.

Please join us in Nottingham for what promises to be a positive, practical and enjoyable event, with new information, excellent networking and recording opportunities.

2018 NFBR Conference

We are also delighted to give advance notice of the 2018 NFBR conference!  Organised in partnership with the Field Studies Council and Manchester Metropolitan University, this conference will explore the theme of “Developing Skills for Biological Recording”.  The 2018 conference will take place from the 10th to 12th May at The Gateway Education and Arts Centre in Shrewsbury with accommodation available at Preston Montford Field Centre, followed by a field trip on Sunday 13th May.  We hope you can join us, so please save the date!

Find out more about NFBR

To find out more about NFBR’s work please see their most recent newsletter 


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