The NBN Trust is developing its next five year strategy, to be launched in January 2021, and we would love to have your input.
The NBN Trust supports and advocates on behalf of the NBN membership and users as well as maintaining and developing the NBN Atlas. It is vital for us to ensure our strategy is informed by your needs. To that end, we would like to know what challenges and opportunities you will face in the coming years, and what will be your key priorities so we can shape a strategy that delivers a sustainable and effective NBN Trust, supporting the needs of a vibrant and engaged NBN membership.
There will be multiple opportunities for you to provide input to the strategy and give your views on the priorities for the next five years. We have kicked off with the survey we launched before Christmas, (you still have a few days to respond, see below) and a second, follow-up, survey will be coming soon. The strategy will also be informed by the outcomes of the knowledge exchange sessions held at the NBN Conference last year and via discussions in the Stakeholder Advisory Group, which will meet at least three times before the draft strategy is completed. If you would like to provide your views directly to us, please drop us an email or arrange a time to talk to our CEO, Jo Judge.
This is your opportunity to influence the work of the Trust, so please do take part in the discussions to ensure our strategy reflects the priorities of the Network.
The survey is open to individuals and organisations.
Please complete the survey by 10 January 2020.
First round survey
This is the very first step in what will be a year long review and refresh of a strategy for the NBN Trust. In order to ensure our strategic aims and objectives are in line with those of our members we need to know what your strategic aims and objectives are.
The survey therefore consists of the following questions:
- What do you see as the biggest challenges and opportunities facing the biodiversity data sector over the next five years and why?
- What are your / your organisations’ main priorities for dealing with these challenges and opportunities and why?
- What are you / your organisation doing to address those issues and how might your work support the wider Network?
We would also like respondents to provide a link to your organisation’s strategic objectives and/or theory of change if you have one.
We want to hear the thoughts of individuals too, so please feed back any personal responses as well.
Second round survey
We will then have a second-round survey where we will be reflecting back on what we have heard for you to comment on.
In this second round survey we will be asking more in depth questions and there will be plenty of opportunities to be involved in discussions throughout the year.
An email containing this link has been sent to all members, Network News and NBN Atlas News subscribers and NBN Atlas users.
Thank you – your views are very much appreciated!