We are delighted to announce that this year’s Honorary Membership Award has been given to Lynne Farrell.
Lynne was one of the first editors of the Vascular Plant Red Data book for the UK. She has been County Recorder for the Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland (BSBI) on Mull, Coll and Tiree since 1996 including working on a comprehensive flora for the area. She was honorary secretary for BSBI for many years before becoming President in 2019. In her “professional life” she worked at the Biological Records Centre, the Nature Conservancy, English Nature and Scottish Natural Heritage. She also had a Fellowship at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology and a Churchill Travelling Fellowship. She worked for An Foras Forbartha in Dublin and helped set up the Working for Peace group in Ireland and ran an inter-denominational youth group.
She has flourished in the recording world, becoming a strong leader and trainer. Indeed, the original NBN Group Award was given her name in recognition of this.

Sadly, Lynne was unable to join us at the online NBN Conference when the announcement was made, but she sent some words for our Patron, Sir John Lawton to read out in acceptance of the award.
‘I am very pleased to have been nominated for Honorary membership of the NBN Trust, which is much appreciated.
Since working in the Biological Records Centre at Monks Wood in the early 1970s, I have realised how important it is to record species and events, and to ensure that the records are entered into the various systems. All this information is crucial in helping build up national and indeed international perspectives. Everyone can participate by observing and sending in their local records. It’s easy and enjoyable to do, and important for informing the future protection and survival of many species, including ourselves.’
Lynne Farrell