NBN Trust AGM 2019

The NBN Trust AGM is to be held on Wednesday 13 November 2019.

In preparation for this, information on the main item for affirming is listed below

  • Confirmation of the NBN Trust Accountants

In addition to this notification we will be contacting members separately to advise them of the AGM and how to vote. The following class of members do not have a right to vote:

  • Corporate Members
  • Trustees – who may be individual members or part of a member organisation

Ordinary Resolutions

  1. The Board is recommending that the NBN Trust reappoints Rogers Spencer as Accountants and Auditors for another year

For the above a simple majority of voting members is required.

Special Resolution

No special resolutions are to be tabled.


  1. Chairman’s Report
  2. Treasurer’s Report
  3. Chief Executive’s Report
  4. Appointment of Accountants and Auditors
  5. Open Q&A


Voting can be done online by completing the online voting form or by downloading the form as a word document. Voting forms must be returned to us either by email or posted to Unit F, 14 – 18 St Mary’s Gate, Lace Market, Nottingham, NG1 1PF. Forms must be completed and returned by Monday 11 November 2019.

Voting will also be possible in person at the AGM. Any member who wishes to attend the AGM and is not due to attend the NBN Conference should contact us in advance, ideally by 06 November 2019 so we can advise you on access arrangements to the AGM.


If you are not sure if you are a member or if you have the right to vote please contact us.



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