FSC BioLinks Project News

FSC BioLinks, the exciting new biodiversity project for the Field Studies Council, is now well underway and there are some exciting opportunities available.

FSC BioLinks Open Lab Days

Have you attended a FSC BioLinks course, but need access to a microscope, ID resources or even a FSC BioLinks regional coordinator?

The Field Studies Council is opening up three of its training hubs for informal ‘Open Lab Days’ for free to local naturalists of any level of experience to come together and work on their invertebrate ID skills and/or catalogue their personal invertebrate collections. You can find out more about how to access FSC BioLinks Open Lab Days via the project website.

Build a new Identikit ID Resource

Do you fancy trying your hand at building a new Identikit ID resource? It’s easier than you might think. The FSC is offering a number of free one-day workshops in partnership with organisations that can host them. So if you are associated with an organisation that has a training space and people that are interested, please drop them a line.

FSC BioLinks Courses

As part of the project’s remit a range of subsidised training courses are available.  Full details for the remaining courses for 2018 are available on the website.

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