We are pleased to say that it won’t be a final goodbye but, in October, we said farewell to Sophia Ratcliffe, the NBN Atlas Data Manager.
Sophia worked for the NBN Trust from 2017. She brought a passion for biodiversity data, an incredible work ethic, and outstanding customer service skills.
To many of our partners, Sophia was the NBN Atlas and the face of the NBN Trust. She delivered an exceptional service, including through really tough times when the NBN Atlas was performing far below user expectations. She constantly strived to provide the very best service. Thanks to Sophia, and, of course, the development team, we got through the difficult times and are now in a good place looking ahead to the future of the NBN Atlas.
We are sure many of you in the network will miss Sophia as much as we will. However, there will undoubtedly be opportunities for Sophia and the NBN Trust to work together again, and we look forward to benefiting from her expertise in a consulting capacity – not least when she helps with the induction of the new Biodiversity Data Officer, a role which we are currently recruiting.
Whilst recognising the incredible work Sophia did, we hope you will bear with us while we recruit for this new role and are able to return to providing the same level of service you have been used to. We currently only have limited capacity to respond to enquiries. Whilst someone will get back to you as soon as they can, depending on your query we may not be able to resolve matters immediately. We appreciate your patience in this interim period, while we are recruiting new data staff.
We’d be grateful if you could direct any data specific queries to data@nbnatlas.org and any general NBN Atlas queries to support@nbnatlas.org. Thank you.
So finally, please join us in thanking Sophia for what she accomplished in her six years with the NBN Trust and we look forward to working with her again in the future – thank you, Sophia!