Construction giant Jewson pledges to help hedgehogs

The national builders’ merchant, Jewson, is the first major national company to sign-up to Hedgehog Street’s  ‘Hedgehog Friendly Fencing’ campaign, which was launched in July.

It will soon offer its customers a ‘Supreme Concrete Wildlife Gravel Board’ with pre-installed 13 cm square gaps (or Hedgehog Highways) to allow the UK’s hedgehogs much-needed freedom of movement which is vital for the species’ long-term survival. These will be available in 30 regional Jewson shops and online in the new year. If popular with customers, they’ll be introduced to more stores across the country. This latest good news was in part initiated by 17-year old Hedgehog Champion Dylan Allman, whose passion for helping hedgehogs inspired Jewson to take action. Dylan started his Hedgehog Aware campaign during lockdown and since then has helped Hedgehog Street to spread the word about how everyone can get involved.

Dylan Allman, Hedgehog Champion, explains:

“Hedgehogs are classified as vulnerable to extinction on the Red List for Britain’s Mammals (2020), but thankfully there are lots of ways we can all help these charismatic creatures. Hedgehog Highways are a key step, but it’s also really important to check for hedgehogs before strimming and mowing – raising awareness about these factors inspired me to start my Hedgehog Aware campaign. I’m so pleased that Jewson are going to be offering such a wonderful wildlife-friendly range of products that I know will help encourage the trade and public to be more aware of hedgehogs, and play their part in helping stop their decline in numbers across the country.”

Hedgehog using a gap in a fence to move freely.
Hedgehog using the ‘Hedgehog Highway’ gap in a fence. )(Photo credit: Christopher Morgan)

Helping Hedgehogs

As autumn sets in, hedgehogs will soon be hunkering down to hibernate over winter. To help them prepare, create leaf piles and compost heaps which could make the perfect nest; encourage natural insect food with log piles; offer sources of water; provide a hedgehog house filled with leaves, twigs and natural materials as an alternative nest option; and always check for hedgehogs before strimming, mowing and ahead of Bonfire Night.

People without gardens can help too, as the Hedgehog Friendly Fencing campaign is ongoing. Just join the hundreds who’ve already helped by asking local and national fencing companies to get involved.

It is hoped that with the help of the public, and Hedgehog Street’s ongoing work with conservation NGOs, academics, farmers, landowners, UK government, housing developers and now fencing companies, the fate of native hedgehogs can be turned around.

For other top tips on how to help hedgehogs, please visit

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