A Biodiversity Audit of North Norfolk Coast

Written by Karen Kramer-Wilson
(Holme Dunes Image, copyright Norfolk Wildlife Trust)

University of East Anglia and Norfolk Biodiversity Information Service are working in collaboration to quantify the Biodiversity resilience and vulnerability to saline incursion of wetland assemblages in the North Norfolk SSSI, in order to guide strategic decisions on management. This builds on earlier successful Biodiversity Audits of Breckland,  The Broads, and the Fens that have informed conservation action.

We are seeking conservation organisations, and biological recorders who have novel species records, and recent but not yet submitted records, from any site within the North Norfolk Coast SSSI.  We would like to work with naturalists and recorders to validate species lists and discuss management requirements. The project timeline is limited with hopes for refined species lists by mid May 2015. 

Please contact Karen Kramer Wilson if you want to get involved: K.Kramer-Wilson@uea.ac.uk?

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