Data Holding Certificates for NBN Data Partners

Over the last 12 months members of the National Biodiversity Network have been working together to develop a new five-year strategy. That document has now been published and is being distributed.
By way of monitoring progress with implementing that strategy the NBN Secretariat has prepared Data Holding Certificates for each NBN Data Partner (i.e., any organisation that shares data via the NBN Gateway). This is to provide partners with a benchmark position as of March 2015 and so allow them to monitor how they are progressing, through the life of the NBN strategy, with achieving their own aims and objectives for biological data.

Over the last two weeks all NBN Data Partners have been sent a copy of their own Data Holding Certificate. Partners were also sent a copy of the certificate for the combined data holdings of the NBN Gateway (see below). These certificates include details of how much data each partner shares via the NBN Gateway, how much is visible, what resolution data is stored and displayed and how often data are requested and downloaded. The certificates were developed from summary data and more detailed data can be accessed via the NBN Gateway account of each partner.
Please ask if you have any queries about these certificates or if you have feedback for improving them in the future (please email the team).

Certificates have only been sent to organisations for their own use and it is not our intention to publish them unless Data Partners would like to see them more widely distributed. If you would like to see the certificate for your own organisation please contact your organisation’s Data Manager (or contact us to find out who that is).



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