Marian Spain has been appointed as the new Chief Executive of Plantlife. She takes up the role with a strong track record of leading high profile programmes, developing evidence-based policy and working in partnership with others.
Former roles include Senior Director of Policy and Communications at Ofwat, Director of Strategy for the Energy Saving Trust and Head of Strategic Development at the Environment Agency. Marian worked for the Countryside Agency for 15 years in various roles, including developing agri-environment schemes and managing AONBs and National Parks. She goes to Plantlife from the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust – a charity working to improve the mental health of young people – where she is currently the Chief Executive.
Marian has a long-standing interest in plants with botany forming a large component of her original Environmental Biology degree in Liverpool and she has existing links with the New Forest as she is a Secretary of State-appointed member of the New Forest National Park Authority.
Marian will be joining Plantlife in mid-February 2014.