The findings of “A Review of the Biological Recording Infrastructure in Scotland” will be published on 14 November by the Scottish Biodiversity Information Forum (SBIF).
As we build up to the publication of this unprecedented Review, the SBIF Working Group would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed over the past two years in the interviews, workshops, or responded to its questionnaire. Over 290 individuals and organisations have come together to identify the issues and recommend a way forward so funding and governance can be transformed, and in turn, data flows and service delivery across Scotland.
Together, we are working towards creating an accessible, definitive evidence base that will enhance decision making to benefit the people and wildlife in Scotland.
An SBIF Development Officer, Rachel Tierney, funded by SNH, has been appointed until March 2019. She will take the Review to publication and submission, and keep momentum going across all sectors. During this time, she will be communicating the findings of the Review and will be exploring funding options to establish an Implementation Team and kick start discrete projects linked to the Recommendations.
Keep up to date on Twitter (@SB_Info_Forum), tweeting and retweeting using the #SBIFReview.
Don’t forget to head over to the refreshed SBIF pages of the NBN website on the 14th to download your copy and to spread the word and start discussing the Recommendations within your communities.