Current status
The technical team is working on issues relating to the download log and it is currently being tested. We hope to issue the fix to the problem by the end of the week, but hopefully on 29th May.
Users who experienced registration problems over the last few days, should now be able to register and login without problem.
Thank you for your ongoing patience and support as we continue to develop the NBN Gateway, it is very much appreciated.
If you experience any problems or issues, you can contact us at
Update to GIS system powering NBN Gateway maps
Since the release of the new version of the NBN Gateway there have been a number of performance issues with slow pages and maps. Over these past 8 months, work has been ongoing to develop a set of modifications to the NBN Gateway to bring its reliability up to an acceptable level. As part of this work, an update to the GIS system powering the NBN Gateway has just been released. This should improve both the performance and stability experienced with the NBN Gateway maps.
This new release has involved implementation of a new caching layer between the underlying database and the map server. This means that whilst you will sometimes see a delay in returning the first map tile in a layer or your first map of a species, once the result set is cached, further exploration should be very quick, with the response of the Interactive Map Tool at a level expected from online mapping systems.
Following this update to the GIS system, the current users of Easimaps will now be moved over to the current NBN Gateway database. It is expected that this process will happen in mid-June and should occur seamlessly for all sites that use Easimaps to incorporate NBN Gateway maps into their websites. Further announcements will be made once testing of the updated Easimaps is completed.