Wild Peak Network launched

The Peak district is renowned for its beauty. With majestic rivers, striking dales, moors, wooded valleys and uplands, the Peak District should be teeming with wildlife, abundant with wild animals and plants. But it is not. Wildlife is dying out. Nature is under threat.

Derbyshire Wildlife Trust has therefore launched the Wild Peak Network, bringing together everyone in the region with a vision to make the peaks wilder.

Wild Peak is a partnership of local landowners, community groups, businesses and organisations; local people who believe in a Peak District fit for the future. It will provide support, guidance and resources to engage people with nature’s recovery.

The main aims of Wild Peak are:

  • Restoring the Peak – restore woodlands, peatbogs and meadows, and reintroduce missing species including beavers, black grouse and pine martens. Natural processes will be allowed to lead the way so that the uplands become wilder and the landscape develops freely over time
  • Protecting our way of life – restoration of woodlands and vegetation to lock up carbon, create healthier soils, and regulate the flow of floodwater. It will also create more diverse and resilient local economies.
  • Local partnerships – the project brings together people that live, work and do business in the Peak District. Community groups and local landowners will be connected
  • Better Health – By restoring the landscape to a place that is exciting and teeming with wildlife, Wild Peak will inspire more people of all ages to benefit from time spent in nature.

Find out more about the project and how you can get involved on the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust website.

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