Welsh consultations

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Draft Corporate Plan

As NRW is a new organisation, it is developing its first corporate plan through a series of consultations with key stakeholders.  If you have an interest in its priorities and strategic intent for 2014 to 2017 and wish to comment then please refer to this link to access the consultation and document (23 sides A4).  The consultation runs from 04/11/13 to 10/01/14.

Welsh Government Environment Bill white paper

Welsh Government is currently consulting on “proposals for the Environment (Wales) Bill. This Bill will ensure that we have the right legislative framework to manage our natural resources in a joined-up way, as committed in the Programme for Government.”  The Bill contains, amongst many other things, references to state of the environment reporting and may be of interest.  Details regarding the consultation can be found at this link.  This consultation runs from 23/10/13 to 15/01/14


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