Use of NBN Gateway Data Case Studies

Case Study Template

Introduction and background

The NBN Trust is developing a series of case studies to tell the story of how data are used via the NBN Gateway. The aim is to foster discussion and learning, and inspire others to get involved, either through sharing their data, or by using data held on the NBN Gateway. 


The case studies will:

  • Demonstrate the value of sharing data via the NBN Gateway
  • Provide tangible examples of ways that data from the NBN Gateway can be used, and the types of data available
  • Demonstrate the journey of biodiversity data, from collection, quality assurance, collation, dissemination and use.  
  • Offer data providers information about the ways in which their data have been used
  • Expand the business case for capturing and mobilising data

The case studies will be published through the NBN website with links to the relevant data provider websites and the respective projects. We will also promote these case studies through various social media channels to gain further support.


The template is structured to capture some basic details about your project: a short description, the benefits, challenges and opportunities that arose, the data you used, and information on any data you collected through this project. It is designed to act as a guide to submit your case study, though please do not feel constrained by this template if you wish to elaborate. 

Please send any completed case studies to   


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