Do you use NBN’s EasyMaps?

The NBN’s EasyMap service, provided by the NBN Gateway, has enabled users to install NBN maps on a website using one line of HTML.  It has been available to users for a number of years.

With the closure of the NBN Gateway access to the EasyMaps service will end.  If this affects you, please get in touch and let us know how you have been using them, by telling us:

  • How are you using EasyMaps?
  • What are you using EasyMaps for?
  • Which features of EasyMaps are most important to you?

Interactive mapping is changing too, so if you have been using that functionality, please do get in touch.

With the move to the NBN Atlas, alternative mapping services are being developed and we are in the process of gathering requirements for these, so the above information will help us with this.

Please contact us at as soon as possible with this information.

Thank you.



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