Student Talk opportunity at NBN Conference

We are delighted to offer one student the chance to present a 5-minute “Student Speed Talk” on a topic related to biodiversity data, at our annual conference in Cardiff, on Friday 17 November.

Are you interested yourself, or do you know a student who might be interested in talking about their work or research?

Under-graduate or post-graduate students can apply by:

  • Email:
  • Subject heading: Student Speed Talk
  • Details: provide a short title and summary of up to 150 words
  • Include: student’s name, contact email, university and course details

Must be available to attend the NBN Conference on Friday 17 November 2017 at National Museum Cardiff.

Deadline: 17 October 2017.  We will notify the successful student by 20 October 2017.

Registration Fee:
The Environment Partnership (TEP) has generously sponsored the cost of the student’s conference registration fee for the day.  The successful student will have to fund their own travel to Cardiff, and accommodation if needed.


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