This course will cover the concepts and R tools that can be used to analyse spatial data in ecology covering elementary and advanced spatial analysis techniques applicable to both plants and animals.
The course will consist of a series of modules (listed below),
Module 1: Introductory lectures; key questions in spatial ecology, the main types of data on species distributions, concepts, challenges and different types of environmental data; useful concepts from statistics; GLM's
Module 2: Density estimation, spatial autocorrelation, Smoothing, Kernel Smoothers, Kriging, Trend-fitting (linear, generalised linear, generalised additive models)
Module 3: Habitat preference, Resource selection functions, MaxEnt: What’s it all about? Overview and caveats related to Niche models
Module 4: Analysing grid data, Poisson processes, Occupancy models, Use-availability designs
Module 5: Analysing telemetry data, Presence-only data, Spatial and serial autocorrelation, partitioning variation by mixed effects models
Module 6: Analysing transect data, Detection functions for point and line transects, Using covariates in transect models
Module 7: Advanced methods, Generalised Estimation Equations for difficult survey designs, GAM's for habitat preference, Dealing with boundary effects using soap smoothers, Spatial point processes with INLA
Module 8: Prediction, Validation by resampling, Generalised Functional Responses for species distribution, quantifying uncertainty, dealing with the effects of population density
Module 9: Applications, Designing protected areas, thinking about critical habitat, representing uncertainty
Module 10: Round table discussions, About 4 groups, each of 5-10 people working on a particular problem, to be worked out in advance of the course starting.
The course will run from 16th – 20th March 2015 and is £450 for the 5 days including lunches, refreshments and course materials; An all-inclusive option is also available costed at £650.00, this includes breakfast, lunch, dinner refreshments, accommodation (accommodation is multiple occupancy (max 3 people) single sex en-suite rooms) and course materials.
Further details on the course, the instructors, pricing and the venue can all be found on the website
If you have any questions please direct them to
Remember that there is now an rNBN Tool that uses the new NBN Gateway to make data even more accessible.