Passionate Collaboration? Taking the Pulse of the UK Environmental Sector

The Environmental Funders Network (EFN) is an informal network of trusts, foundations and individuals making grants on environmental and conservation issues. Its mission is to increase the overall level of financial support for environmental causes and to help environmental philanthropy to be as effective as it can be.


It has undertaken a series of reports on patterns of funding and spending on environmental issues. Its major new report, “Passionate Collaboration? Taking the Pulse of the UK Environmental Sector” is now available and can be downloaded here.

It was compiled by Jon Cracknell, Florence Miller, and Harriet Williams and presents the findings of a survey of 139 CEOs of environmental organisations in relation to income and expenditure.

The organisations responding to the survey represented a good cross-section of the environmental non-profit sector in the UK, with many household names included, along with smaller and more specialist groups. They also ranged from mainstream to more radical in terms of values and goals.  The NBN Trust was pleased to be one of the organisations able to respond.


John Vidal wrote a piece in the Guardian about the report 

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