Contribute and you could be credited in a brand new anniversary Journal release!
Gilbert White’s observational recordings of nature and wildlife in the 18th century have inspired naturalists the world over. Saturday 28th May is Nature Day at Gilbert White & The Oates Collections in Selborne, Hampshire, celebrating wildlife and also discussing some of the pressing issues faced today. Some great organisations will be attending, such as the South Downs National Park authority, the RSPB, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and Hampshire County Council, providing lots of information and interesting people to speak with about a variety of related topics.
Nature Day also includes an exciting advance preview to trial the brand new Modern Natural History Of Selborne project, which allows you and your family to continue Gilbert White’s observational work and contribute to a new legacy into the future.
Beginning in White’s own beautiful garden, the project will later extend into the village of Selborne, collecting data to help build a picture of local nature today and increase appreciation of wildlife in the area.
Contributing is simple and fun. When you visit, you’ll be provided with a Journal Recording Card. Simply select a zone and start exploring the garden. Make your observations and record them on your card, which follows the format of the Naturalist’s Journal, historically associated with Gilbert White’s House and Garden. When you’re done, you can complete your contribution by adding your observations to the digital Journal via an iPad in the museum, or simply leave your card with the team to enter for you. Any of your contributions that are selected for inclusion within a brand new 300th anniversary release (planned for around 2020) will be credited to you, securing your place in the ongoing legacy.
If you are a wildlife enthusiast, there will also be more detailed recording categories added over time, so that you can contribute with a greater depth of information than that available in the traditional Journal.
Being an advance preview, this trial additionally allows for you to provide your valuable feedback. This is much appreciated as it helps improve the future direction of the project, thanks to your suggestions.
Join in from 10:30am on Saturday 28th May 2016 and be one of the contributors to rekindle Gilbert White’s work and have fun exploring and investigating nature. What will you see?