Do you want to play an active part in the running of the NBN Trust? Are you able to use your individual experience to think strategically? If so, we still have some places left if you would like to join a new NBN Stakeholder Group.
Following the recent NBN Trust governance review, and as part of our strategic aim to engage and involve NBN members in delivering the strategy, we are creating a new NBN Stakeholder Group. This group will provide the opportunity for Network participants to share their views and expertise and will act as a line of communication to the NBN’s Board of Trustees. The Stakeholder Group will be discussing strategic decisions on the direction of the NBN Trust. It will not be a forum for discussing detailed aspects of the routine work of the Trust, as these are already covered by various steering and stakeholder groups.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for volunteers from across the Network, representing the diversity of the NBN membership, to participate in the group. The group will meet three times a year, approximately four weeks before each Board meeting. Group members should be able to demonstrate individual expertise in at least one of the following areas:
- biological recording
- data management
- data use
- relevant technological development
as well as an ability to consult with and represent the views of others in the Network.
Representing the Network
We aim to have representatives of all aspects of the Network including, but not restricted to, recorders, LERCs, schemes and societies, NGOs, consultants, academia, museums and government statutory bodies. The representatives will need to be NBN Trust members, either individual or organisational.
Furthermore, the group will consist of a maximum of 20 people, therefore we cannot guarantee you will get a place on the group. However, the membership of the group will be regularly reviewed so we will keep all expressions of interest for future use. If you are interested in taking part in the group, or would like to have an informal discussion prior to volunteering please contact us at by Friday 21 September 2018.
If you have previously expressed interest in joining this Group, thank you. We have kept your details on file and will be in touch again in the next couple of months.