The NBN Atlas has a system whereby records of species that are deemed sensitive are made available at a reduced resolution, reducing the risk of intentional or accidental harm to the species recorded.
The species that these rules apply to, and the resolution at which the records will be released, is detailed in a country-specific sensitive species list which has been supplied to the NBN Atlas by the relevant country agency (these lists are available to view and download from the NBN Atlas).
Since publishing these lists, we have received feedback on them from people and organisations within the Network. There is a general feeling that the creation of the sensitive species lists needs to be consulted on more widely throughout the Network to get a broader view on sensitivities.
Therefore, a Sensitive Species Workshop was held in August, with an open invite to all in the Network. The outcomes of this workshop were some guidelines to help shape the new NBN Atlas Sensitive Species Policy. The policy will list the criteria that should be applied to define the sensitive species lists. The lists will be drawn up by experts within the Network. If you are interested in volunteering to compile the list for a certain taxon group or groups, then please get in touch.
The draft Sensitive Species Policy is now available via the NBN website and we welcome your feedback on this policy. Please note, that we are not asking for feedback on individual species that are present on the current sensitive species list, but for feedback on the policy and criteria that will define the lists.
Please send your feedback to Ella Vogel by Friday 9th February at the latest.