NBN Inventory of un-digitised datasets

High quality, comprehensive biological data are required to protect and conserve our rich and varied species and habitats. The central focus of the National Biodiversity Network is to capture these data and make appropriate datasets available to those who need access to them. Together, the NBN has achieved considerable advances in mobilising and sharing species and habitat data, and while the NBN Gateway now boasts over 100 million records, taxonomic and geographic gaps do exist in our current data holdings. 


The amount of “legacy data” which is held in un-digitised formats throughout the NBN is unknown, and it is not unreasonable to assume that this could be five times as much as are currently digitised and available.  There is a pressing need to identify, and mobilise, these data, especially in light of the forthcoming Biodiversity Auditing POSTnote which recognises the need to undertake biodiversity audits to ensure appropriate, focused conservation measures, maximising resources and having a complete overview of the biodiversity within a given area.   


Mobilising legacy data will unlock the full potential of data holdings, allow the data to be used to tackle questions independent of the original purpose of their collection, safeguard the datasets from destruction and ensure that they are put to their best use to justify the efforts and resources used to collect them.  Coupled with this, opening up data for use in creative and innovative ways, will inspire and encourage a new generation of biological recorders to continue our rich tradition of nature observation.


Through highlighting the data held within the NBN, collectively we can build a strong and robust case for investment in mobilising these data into digital format.  The NBN Trust was recently funded from the Cabinet Office via the Release of Data Fund to facilitate partners in the Network to mobilise 20 undigitised datasets (we look forward to bringing you more on this in April as we celebrate the completion of this project). We want to keep bidding for such funding as opportunities arise to help you mobilise your data.  You may have data in boxes of field maps and recording forms, photographs, specimen collections, reports, recording cards or natural history notebooks in your office or at home.  


Please tell us what data you have, or know of, via the following Google Form. This information will allow us to assess how many datasets require digitisation across the Network and help us to secure future funding to mobilise this valuable information.


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