NBN Gateway Technical and User Review

The NBN Trust undertook a technical and user review between July and December 2014 to determine if the NBN Gateway is fit for purpose. That review had three main components:

  • NBN Gateway User Review Questionnaire – completed by 150 respondents in October 2014.
  • Critical review of the NBN Gateway by consultants – undertaken by Cerulean Design in August – September 2014.
  • NBN Gateway Needs Analysis workshops – attended by 30 people on 20th November 2014 at the Natural History Museum.

We have now produced a document which summarises all aspects of that work and this is available to download here

We would once again like to thank everyone who participated in and contributed to all the aspects of this work, your input has been invaluable.  We will bring you more information on progress over the next few months, but if you have any comments on the findings contained in this report, do please let us know.


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