NBN display at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

An opportunity recently arose for the NBN to create a display for the John Hope Gateway, the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh’s biodiversity and information centre.

Presented with this wonderful opportunity, through the display, we knew that we wanted to inform and educate the general public about the importance of biodiversity data, why we need to record and how the information is used by many different organisations for conservation purposes. The display therefore raises awareness of biological recording, highlighting the wide ranging organisations involved and why it is important. It also highlights the brand new platform for sharing data – the NBN Atlas.  It also incorporates a 2 minute slideshow which shares key statistics and messages, as well as briefly showing how to use the NBN Atlas.

The John Hope Gateway houses a number of interactive displays, but we particularly want to encourage visitors to become interested in recording in the first instance and then to go out and get involved in nature and ultimately, hopefully, in recording too.

The display was installed at the beginning of March and will be in place for a year, so please do drop by and take a look if you are in the area

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