For the first time, the NBN Trust exhibited at Ecobuild, which for the 2014 show was a celebration of 10 years of championing a greener built environment.
The exhibition brings together a wide spectrum of sustainable construction products for new build and refurbishment of residential, commercial and industrial projects. It also has a Biodiversity Pavilion, which is where the NBN was located alongside organisations such as RSPB, The Woodland Trust, Bat Conservation Trust, The British Beekeepers Association, Habitat Aid and The Ecology Consultancy, as well as new companies including Bird Brick Houses.
It proved to be an excellent opportunity to promote the NBN partnership to industry professionals and we were pleased to welcome, amongst others, ecologists, architects, planners and members of Wildlife Trusts, as well as students and interested members of the public. It was encouraging to see how many people had heard of the NBN, had used the NBN Gateway and understood the relationship with LERCs and Schemes and Societies. It was also a privilege to explain all about the NBN to those who were not aware of what we all do as part of the Network.
We were very pleased to meet Habitat Aid at the show and are delighted that they will be involved in sponsoring the NBN Conference in 2014, on which we will be bringing you more details very soon.
We will be exhibiting at Ecobuild in 2015, which runs from 3 – 5 March and look forward to spreading the NBN word further afield next year.