National inventory of wildlife-rich brownfield habitat has been launched

The first ever national inventory of wildlife-rich brownfield habitat has been launched on a new interactive website in partnership with Natural England, Buglife, the Invertebrate Conservation Trust and Defra.

The inventory distinguishes priority Open Mosaic Habitat (OMH) on Previously Developed Land from other brownfields, providing an essential tool for local authorities, strategic planners, ecologists, local wildlife groups or indeed anyone with an interest in local planning or urban nature conservation. It is designed to work alongside Buglife’s brownfield hub, a one stop shop which offers detailed information on the management of priority OMH.

These inauspicious areas on sites which have previously been developed or have a history of disturbance such as abandoned industrial sites, former railway sidings and extraction pits can contain pockets of biodiversity that are incredibly important in the landscape. The best examples can support rare invertebrates such as the horrid ground weaver spider, the streaked bombardier beetle or the dingy skipper butterfly that are declining in the wider countryside and have retreated to OMH. Nearly 15% of all nationally scarce invertebrates are found within this priority habitat. Sites may also support rare plants such as orchids, mosses, liverworts and lichens.

Remote analysis, using existing datasets and aerial photography of known brownfield sites has enabled 60% of these wildlife rich brownfields to be mapped, with 100% coverage planned over the coming year. So far, of all the brownfield sites analysed, only 8% are thought to contain priority OMH. Habitat surveyors registering on the website can view the inventory and update it with local datasets using on the ground knowledge, to ensure the site is live, relevant and provides the best possible information for users to assess clusters, distribution, size and area of this hitherto faceless habitat type.

The inventory and survey for Open Mosaic Habitats on Previously Developed Land can be accessed via the Habitat Surveys website

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