Learning through Landscapes – Nature Grants

What do birdboxes, bee hotels, fire woks and nature experts all have in common? They are all available free to schools as part of Learning through Landscapes’ Local School Nature Grants Programme, supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The grants provide an assortment of nature equipment up to the value of £500 and a two hour training session. The packages are customisable, enabling Early Years settings (which have a dedicated building and employ at least 5 members of staff), Infant, Primary and Secondary schools to choose from a menu of items which best suit their learners and their setting.  All schools in England, Scotland and Wales are welcome to apply.

Following the immense popularity of Local School Nature Grants in previous years, this scheme is being expanded for 2023. Learning through Landscapes is offering 725 grants and a wider mix of products and training to appeal to an even broader range of ages.

The next round of applications closes on 8 September 2023.

To find out more, please visit the Learning through Landscapes website.

Note: this scheme does not provide cash grants to schools.


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