July 2013 eNews

Download July 2013 eNews

In this issue:

  • Update on release of NBN Gateway version 5
  • New NBN Record Cleaner Rules now available
  • Verifying and sharing wildlife records via iRecord
  • NBN Conference – 15th November 2013 – Bookings now open!
  • NBN Trust Annual Report 2012-13 is now published
  • Taking macro photographs-on a budget
  • iSpot has new updates and has reached a significant milestone
  • National Forum for Biological Recording-new status
  • NBN Trust is exhibiting at INTECOL 2013 on stand E4
  • Citizen science and technology survey
  • Launch of Treezilla
  • Biological records – inspiring generations
  • Last chance to apply for Big Tree Plant Funding

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