General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is legislation to ensure that any organisation that holds personal data provides a reasonable level of protection for it.
What does it all mean?
GDPR places legal obligations on organisations that hold data and enables individuals to better control their personal data. This is a great change for all types of consumers.
Ahead of the new data protection laws, which come into force in May 2018, the NBN Secretariat will be making some changes to the way we process and store data on behalf of the NBN. This will ensure that we are compliant with the new laws, and that everything we do with our member, supporter and data partner information is as clear and transparent as possible. The NBN only holds data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to its purpose. Examples of the data the NBN holds includes names, emails and addresses.
What does this mean for our supporters?
The NBN Secretariat will be reviewing how it records and manages information including consent, storage and withdrawal of personal data which will in turn improve the quality of experience that people have when they engage with the charity. The way that the NBN processes and stores personal data is outlined in our privacy policy. This can be found on the NBN website and will be updated with any changes that we make. This will be the same for the NBN Atlas and any updates will be shared with NBN data partners and anyone involved with data provision to the NBN Atlas will be notified of any changes in due course.
At NBN we strive for best practice and we will make sure that all of your personal information stays secure and that we meet the terms of all upcoming data protection laws and regulation. If you would like more information on GDPR at the NBN please do not hesitate to contact our Nottingham office.