New Journal!

Freshwater Reviews is a scientific journal dedicated to providing comprehensive, modern reviews of topics in the freshwater sciences. It is published by the Freshwater Biological Association and is aimed at a wide, international audience including academics, practitioners, administrators, teachers and students. Freshwater Reviews is an ‘online first’ journal, publishing articles online as they are accepted, and then in two, full colour, high quality print issues (bi-annually).

Freshwater Reviews Update

In 2008, the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) launched its new journal Freshwater Reviews. The new journal, edited by Professor Colin S. Reynolds, aims to provide authoritative and timely reviews on a wide range of topics in the freshwater sciences to a broad audience including academics, students, practitioners and teachers.

The first full volume of Freshwater Reviews was completed in December 2008, with articles published online first, and then two print issues compiled in March and December 2008. In total, 12 articles and three book reviews contributed to the first volume with authors hailing from Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The full table of contents can be found below.

Contributed reviews are invited and may cover any topic within freshwater sciences and their application. Submissions should be made via the website. If you wish to discuss a submission please contact the Editor, Professor Colin S. Reynolds at


Subscription rates remain very competitive and can be found on the website Freshwater Reviews can also be ordered via your agent. Below is the contents of the first volume, for more information on Freshwater Reviews go to


Volume 1, Issue 1

Callieri, C. (2007) Picophytoplankton in freshwater ecosystems: the importance of small-sized phototrophs pp. 1-28
Moss, B. (2008) The kingdom of the shore: achievement of good ecological potential in reservoirs pp. 29-42
Hessen, D. (2008) Efficiency, energy and stoichiometry in pelagic food webs; reciprocal roles of food quality and food quantity. pp. 43-57
Descy, J-P. & Sarmento, H. (2008) Microorganisms of the East African Great Lakes and their response to environmental changes. pp. 59-73
Sabater, S. (2008) Alterations of the global water cycle and their effects on river structure, function and services pp. 75-88
Mainstone, C.P. (2008) The role of specially designated wildlife sites in freshwater conservation – an English perspective pp. 89-98
Logue, J.B. & Lindström, E. (2008) Biogeography of bacterioplankton in inland waters pp. 99-114

Volume 1, Issue 2

Talling, J.F. (2008) The developmental history of inland-water science pp. 119-141
Istvánovics, V. (2008) The role of biota in shaping the phosphorus cycle in lakes pp. 143-174
Mainstone, C.P. & Clarke, S.J. (2008) Managing multiple stressors on sites with special protection for freshwater wildlife – the concept of Limits of Liability pp. 175-187
Elliott, J.M. (2008) The ecology of riffle beetles (Coleoptera: Elmidae) pp. 189-203
Goulder, R. (2008) Checklists and their importance for recording freshwater vascular plants: the British experience pp. 205-225

Book Reviews

Elliott, J.M. Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes – 2005. Eds. Jankun et al.
Pentecost, A. Protistology. Third revised edition. Hausmann, K. et al.
Haworth, E.Y. Desmids of the Lowlands: Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands. Peter F.M. Coesel and Koos (J.) Meesters


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