Ebbe Nielsen Challenge 2020

The GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge is an annual incentive prize that seeks to inspire innovative applications of open-access biodiversity data by scientists, informaticians, data modellers, cartographers and other experts.

Like the Ebbe Nielsen Prize it replaced, the Challenge honours the memory of Dr Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen, an inspirational leader in the fields of biosystematics and biodiversity informatics and one of the principal founders of GBIF, who tragically died just before it came into being.

While the focus of the competition has evolved from year to year, Challenge entries manifest a variety of forms and approaches—new analytical research, richer policy-relevant visualisations, web and mobile applications, or improvements to processes around data digitisation, quality and access.

2020 Challenge

The 2020 Ebbe Nielsen Challenge has opened with the aim of recognising innovative entries that leverage biodiversity data and tools from the GBIF network to advance open science. An expert jury will judge entries on their openness and repeatability, relevance and novelty and present a selected pool of winners with a total of up to €35,000 in prizes.

Between 6 February and 27 July 2020, individuals and teams can prepare tools and techniques that improve the access, usefulness and quality of open biodiversity data and submit them to this annual open-ended incentive competition.

Further information

All of the information for applying along with criteria and eligibility can be found on the GBIF website

The submission deadline is 27 July 2020.

GBIF Young Researchers Award

At the same time as the Ebbe Nielsen Challenge, GBIF is also inviting nominations for its Young Researchers Award.

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