World-renowned butterfly scientist, and former Chief Executive of Butterfly Conservation, Dr Martin Warren has been awarded with an OBE for services to the environment in the New Year’s Honours List.
Dr Warren has played a hugely important role in increasing the public’s awareness of butterflies and moths and has helped provide the roadmap for how they are protected for future generations.
He joined the fledgling Butterfly Conservation in 1993 as its first ever member of staff, becoming chief executive ten years later. Under his tenure the organisation has quickly grown beyond recognition. Butterfly Conservation now employs more than 70 staff, manages 34 reserves and runs the world’s largest insect citizen science project, the Big Butterfly Count, amongst several leading recording schemes.
Dr Warren has published more than 300 scientific papers and reports and is co-author of several books. BBC Wildlife Magazine has voted him one of the UK’s top 10 conservationists.
In response to receiving the award he said: “During my career I have tried to shine a spotlight on the plight of butterflies and moths and understand what this means to the future of our planet. I am deeply honoured to receive this award but it is as much a tribute to my colleagues at Butterfly Conservation who have done so much to help reverse the fortunes of these beautiful insects and improve the environment for future generations.”
You can read further information on the Butterfly Conservation website