A new project, launched in February 2020, will bring young people on Glasgow’s Southside and nature closer together.
Funded through the Future Routes Fund (SNH, Re-Route and Young Scot) the ‘Discovering Nature on my Doorstep’ project will give young people the chance to use high-tech equipment to discover some of the amazing wildlife around Glasgow.
Project background
Through the project, participants will be able to:
- use specialist recording equipment to listen to bats;
- use infra-red trail cameras to capture pictures of animals active after dark;
- use moth traps to safely collect and view the spectacularly coloured moths that fly around gardens at night; and
- upload their pictures and recordings onto wildlife websites and contribute to ‘Citizen Science’
This is a unique project, run by young people, for young people. The mission is to showcase the amazing wildlife around them and to encourage people to care for and protect it.
Project team
The project leaders are Michael Sinclair, Jack Steel and Eilidh Mitchell-Luker. They met through volunteering events at Linn Park, Glasgow where they help with wildlife improvements and other volunteer activities with the community group Friends of Linn Park.
Michael was the winner of the Young Person’s NBN Award for Wildlife Recording in 2019, so we are delighted that he is involved in such a worthwhile project.
All project participants are encouraged to upload their observations onto relevant wildlife recording sites. Although this isn’t mandatory, it is encouraged in order to help build up a picture of the wildlife across the areas they go to.
Further information
More information on the project, the project team and how to get involved, can be found on the Discovering Nature on my Doorstep website. There are also links to the various social media accounts too, so you can keep up to date with their activities.