Written by Mimi Stanwood, CIEEM
One thing that has really stood out for the whole CIEEM team during these strange times is the amazing community spirit that we’re seeing across our membership base and the wider environmental community. Thank you all for making finding silver linings that little bit easier!
We’re looking for ways to support student ecologists and environmental managers and data is the thing they’re really clamouring for to help them to complete projects. We also know that there’s a lot of unprocessed data out there, so… we’d like to play matchmaker and set owners of data up with potential student analysers… Data dating, if you will.
Can you help?
If so, this is the place to be! CIEEM and the NBN Trust have teamed up to get as many of you as possible connected with the data you need.
If you have data to share, please become a data provider so students can complete their studies. Data will be shared via the NBN Atlas, an online tool which currently holds over 226 million species records. Please visit the NBN Atlas Help Portal for more information on how to start sharing your data and the NBN Atlas to explore data that are already available.
If you need any help, please contact: data@nbnatlas.org
Thank you in advance!