Do you know someone working within the environmental sciences sector who deserves to be recognised for their outstanding contribution, their achievements in public life, and/or their commitment to serving and helping Britain?
If so, then give them a chance to receive national recognition for all their hard work by nominating them for a UK honour. Honours are a distinctive way of acknowledging someone’s achievements, rewarding people who have made a real difference to society.
Anyone can nominate someone for an honour; this can be done by completing the UK honour’s form and following the guidance documents listed on the NERC website. In the first instance only the highlighted areas on the form need to be completed. However, please note should your nomination successfully progress past the initial shortlisting stage you will be contacted to complete the additional information. This will then be submitted as part of the science nominations to be considered by an independent committee. There is considerable competition for honours, and the assessment is rigorous, so the citation is the most important piece of evidence for the honour’s committee to consider.
Note: All nominations are treated in the strictest confidence. The nominee should not be informed that they have been nominated.
Completed nomination forms should be emailed to NERC by 2nd March 2018
Go to the NERC website for more information on making a nomination.