Nineteen individuals and groups have been shortlisted for the different categories of the 2018 UK Awards for Biological Recording and Information Sharing.
These annual, national, awards started in 2015, and have been developed by the National Biodiversity Network, the National Forum for Biological Recording and the Biological Records Centre. Their intention is to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions made to biological recording by adults and young people, which is helping to improve our understanding of the UK’s wildlife.
Adult Newcomer Award
• Brian Atkinson – from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
• John Fergusson – from Tarbolton, Ayrshire.
• George Greiff – from Ventnor on the Isle of Wight.
• Fiona Rock – from Kingswinford, West Midlands.
• Georgia Vessey – from Chichester, West Sussex.
David Robertson Adult Award for marine and coastal wildlife
• Bryony Chapman – working in Maidstone, Kent.
• Hannah Grist – working in Oban, Argyll.
Gilbert White Adult Award for terrestrial and freshwater wildlife
• Ryan Clark – from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.
• Gordon Corbet – from Lundin Links, Fife.
• Andrew Grayson – from Beadlam, North Yorkshire.
• Trevor James – from Ashwell in Hertfordshire.
• Sarah Whild – from Shrewsbury, Shropshire.
• Derek Whiteley – from Wardlow, Derbyshire.
Lynne Farrell Group Award for wildlife recording
• Capturing our Coast – covering all the coasts of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
• LERC Wales – covering the whole of Wales
• Longshaw Fungi and Lichen Survey Team – from the National Trust property in the Peak District, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire.
• Manhood Wildlife and Heritage Group (MWHG) – from the Manhood Peninsula in West Sussex
Youth Awards for wildlife recording
• Mya-Rose Craig – from Compton Martin in Somerset.
• Dylan Jenkins – from Gower, Swansea
The winners of the 2018 UK Awards for Biological Recording and Information Sharing will be given their prizes at a special ceremony on Wednesday 21 November during the National Biodiversity Network’s annual conference in Nottingham.
This year we are indebted to six organisations for their support and sponsorship of the prizes:
1. Opticron
2. Paramo Directional Clothing
3. Field Studies Council (FSC)
4. Nature Photographers Ltd
5. British Wildlife