Alien amphibian and reptile species in the UK

A surprising number of alien, or non-native, amphibian and reptile species are present in the wild in the UK today. Species present range from unwanted pet terrapins, surviving as non-breeding animals, to long-established, breeding populations such as midwife toads and wall lizards. Whilst in most cases, introduced species do not thrive as they are not adapted to their new environments, of a minority that can survive in their new home some can impact upon native species. 

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation has produced a new illustrated guide to the alien amphibian and reptile species in the UK. This new booklet includes a description for recognised non-natives, and a brief discussion of the general issues and is aimed at a non-specialist audience.  It is written in English and Welsh.

Download the booklet

You can also find out more about the non-native species living in the UK on the ARC non-native amphibian and non-native reptile pages, as well as on the GB Non Native Species Information Portal

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