Are you an open data champion?
The 2018 Ebbe Nielsen Challenge will award up to €34,000 in prizes to the entries that rely on open biodiversity data or open-source tools from the GBIF network to advance open science.
Individuals, teams and organisations can prepare tools and techniques that improve the access, usefulness and quality of open biodiversity data and submit them to this open-ended incentive competition. Challenge entries may choose to develop new applications, visualisations, methods, workflows or analyses, or build on and extend existing tools and features.
How to enter
The deadline for submissions is 5 September 2018.
Entries should benefit multiple stakeholder groups, among them researchers, policymakers, educators, students and citizen scientists, and an expert panel will judge entries on their openness and repeatability, relevance and novelty. Winners will be announced on 17 October 2018 at the 25th GBIF Governing Board meeting in Kilkenny, Ireland.
▪ Call for submissions
▪ Official rules
About the GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge
Originally created as an annual prize recognising achievements in biodiversity informatics, the Challenge honours the memory of Dr Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen, an inspirational leader in the fields of biosystematics and biodiversity informatics and a principal founder of GBIF, who died unexpectedly just before it came into being.