19th and 20th November 2015
Lakeside Conference Centre, York
For the first time, the NBN Conference will run over two days and will move away from its customary home of the last few years in London, to a new venue in York. We really hope the new format and change of venue will appeal to all our partners across the country.
The theme for the Conference is:
“From global to local – building the NBN Partnership”
The two days will comprise keynote addresses, presentations, speed talks and a whole symposium on engagement “Beyond BioBlitz: public engagement in wildlife recording”, which we are running in conjunction with Bristol Natural History Consortium.
Some of the speakers so far confirmed for the Conference, are:
- Tatsuya Amano, University of Cambridge
- Matthew Arnold, Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN)
- Tom August, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
- Katherine Boughey, Bat Conservation Trust
- Chris du Feu, Volunteer Recorder
- Pat Doody, Brampton Parish
- Donald Hobern, GBIF Executive Secretary
- Christine Johnson, Outer Hebrides Recording Group
- Paula Lightfoot, Newcastle University
- Liam Lysaght, National Biodiversity Data Centre
- Andy Musgrove, British Trust for Ornithology
- Dominic Oldman, British Museum
- Rod Page, Glasgow University
- Katy Potts, Train the Trainers
- Dave Raffaelli, University of York
- John Sawyer, NBN Chief Executive
- Jonathan Silvertown, iSpot
- Janet Simkin, British Lichen Society
- David Stroud, Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Rachel Stroud, NBN Data & Liaison Officer
We will bring you more details and the confirmed programme in the next couple of months as well as booking information.
We are also delighted to announce that we will be holding a special Awards Ceremony on the evening of 19th November and we will be bringing you more information on this as well in the next few months, so please watch this space!