It’s time to get BioBlitzing!

It’s still pretty chilly outside, but the days are getting lighter and we can almost see BioBlitzing season on the horizon! If you are organising a…

Did you see me today?

The National Trust for Scotland has, in collaboration, with iRecord designed a new wildlife recording webpage where visitors to NTS properties can record the plants and animals…

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NFBR and BRC Conference

NFBR and BRC conference: National Recording Schemes and Societies – celebrating the past, looking to the future The National Forum for Biological Recording and the…

NBN Secretariat out ‘n’ about

As a small team working closely with members of the Network on a wide range of areas across the Strategy, the NBN Secretariat is keen…

Largest ever survey of Scottish wildcats

The Scottish Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) is one of our most endangered mammals and our only remaining native cat. It urgently needs action to save…

Survey on advances in the use of DNA technologies

Can advances in the use of DNA technologies provide solutions for biodiversity assessment, conservation and environmental protection? David Matthews, a consultant, has launched a survey…

ID Trainers monthly update

Written by Mike Waller I refuse to draw attention to how little time we have left – it simply makes me sad. But unfortunately it’s…

February 2016 NBN eNews

View NBN eNews February 2016. In this issue: Climate opportunists: a threat to UK biodiversity and ecosystems? NFBR and BRC Conference NBN Secretariat out ‘n’…

Starting the final phase!

Written by Katy Potts, Identification Trainers for the Future trainee Well, where has the time gone? I’m excited but somewhat thoughtful about giving you the final…

Nature Apps: waiting for the revolution

Written by Dr. Paul Jepson, Course Director, MSc Biodiversity, Conservation & Management, University of Oxford The roll out of computing as a utility and rapid rise of smartphone…

Milestone in open data and data licencing

A milestone in continued commitment to open data and data licencing In September 2015 the NBN Gateway was equipped with the ability to hold data…

January 2016 NBN eNews

View NBN eNews January 2016. In this issue: Environmental Records Information Centre North East – small grants 2015 NBN Conference feedback BBC Wildlife promotes youth…

BBC Wildlife promotes youth award winner

James McCulloch was the winner of the first ever Gilbert White youth award, part of the UK Awards for Biological Recording and Information Sharing, as…

In this section

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