
You collect biological records for your own or others’ use

Recording Group Operators

You manage the activities and administration of a recording group

Recording Scheme Operators

You manage the activities and administration of a recording scheme

Collection Curators

You curate biological samples or specimens for analysis, exhibition or reference


You verify the accuracy of biological records collected and identified by others


You provide funding to support or commission key activities in our network

Service Users

You use services such as those provided by LERCs or the NBN Trust

Service Providers

You supply services such as those provided by LERCs or the NBN Trust

Data Provider

You publish datasets or derived data products and manage their metadata and licensing

Data Developers

You create new value-added datasets or derived data products such as enriched data or trends

Data Users

You use biological records, added-value datasets or data products for your own purposes


You act as a secretariat to coordinate, and communicate across, our whole network

In this section

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