This section of the Archives contains reports that have been published by different sectors of the biodiversity data community.

2015: The Biological Records Centre: a pioneer of citizen science

Reference: Pocock, Michael J.O.Roy, Helen E.Preston, Chris D.Roy, David B.. 2015 The Biological Records Centre: a pioneer of citizen science. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 115 (3). 475-493


2014: Celebrating 50 years of the Biological Records Centre

This booklet describes key themes from the history of the Biological Records Centre, from its formation in 1964 to its 50th anniversary in 2014.

Reference: Roy, D.B., Harding, P.T., Preston, C.D. & Roy, H.E. (eds.) (2014). Celebrating 50 years of the Biological Records Centre. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.


2013: Ecological Capacity and Competency in English Planning Authorities.  

The aim of this project was to generate a better understanding of both the capacity and ecological competencies required by local planning authorities in England when determining planning applications where biodiversity is involved. The results show that many local planning authorities do not currently have either the capacity and/or the competence to undertake the effective, and in some cases necessarily lawful, assessment of planning applications where biodiversity is a material consideration.

Reference: Oxford, M. 2013, Ecological Capacity and Competence in Local Planning Authorities: What is needed to deliver statutory obligations for biodiversity? Report published by the Association of Local Government Ecologists.


2012: Evidence of the need for SBIF


2012: Local Record Centre Accreditation Implementation. Natural England 

In February 2010, Natural England, working in collaboration with the Association of Local Environmental Record Centres, commissioned the design of an accreditation system for LRCs.  The objective of introducing an accreditation system is intended to improve the consistency of the collection, collation and dissemination of environmental information to inform decision making around protecting and enhancing biodiversity and geodiversity.  A follow-up piece of work at the beginning of 2011 trialed the accreditation system. A workbook was produced to assist LRCs with meeting the twenty standard accreditation criteria and to enable assessors to apply a consistent evaluation of an individual LRC’s performance.

Reference: Butcher, W.G. 2012. Local Record Centre Accreditation Implementation. Natural England Commissioned Reports, Number 093


2011-2012: Association of Local Government Ecologists Implications of the Comprehensive Spending Review of biodiversity work within local government

During the summer of 2011 ALGE undertook a survey of its members in England to establish what effect, if any, the cuts in local authority budgets was having on biodiversity work in local government. The survey was carried out online and the results analysed automatically using Survey Monkey. The results are based on a response rate of approximately 13% of all ALGE members in England. It will come as no surprise to find that the results of this survey show that local government’s capacity to assist in the delivery of the a wide range of biodiversity initiatives is already limited and is being further eroded, in some cases at a rapid rate.

Reference: Oxford, M. 2011. Implications of the Comprehensive Spending Review on biodiversity work within local government – Main Findings – Financial Year 2011-2012. Association of Local Government Ecologists.


2011: Towards Joining the Dots: Planning for the future of biological recording and biodiversity information in the UK.  NFBR

Joining the Dots is the working title for the collaborative approach suggested by the National Federation for Biological Recording as a means for promoting and supporting biological recording and biodiversity information supply across the UK.  The following report is a consultation document published as a precursor to the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan


2010: Making Space for Nature: A review of England’s Wildlife Sites and Ecological Network 

Reference: Lawton, J.H., Brotherton, P.N.M., Brown, V.K., Elphick, C., Fitter, A.H., Forshaw, J.,Haddow, R.W., Hilborne, S., Leafe, R.N., Mace, G.M., Southgate, M.P., Sutherland, W.A.,  Tew, T.E., Varley, J., & Wynne, G.R. (2010) Making Space for Nature: a review of England’s wildlife sites and ecological network. Report to Defra.


2010: Involving people in Biological Recording.  SNH Commissioned Report

This research explores the current activity of schemes, group and projects in Scotland and their role in working with, and supporting, volunteer biological recorders.  The project comprised two elements: a literature search of existing work looking at biological recording and volunteering; and two surveys, one of 168 individual volunteer recorders and another of 48 coordinators of volunteer recording schemes, groups or projects.  These examined the role of volunteers in biological recording, to what extent they met the needs of organisations and what support and help recorders received.

Reference: Biodiversity Solutions. 2010.  Involving People in Biological Recording. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report 382


2010: Local Biological Records Centre Consultation – States of Jersey

The following documentation relates to a public consultation lead by the Jersey Biodiversity Partnership (JBP) who scoped the need for a local biological record centre. The JBP were keen to know the view of local recorders, local environmental organisations and the general public on this important resource required to help protect and conserve Jersey’s species and habitats.


2010: Recommendations from Biodiversity Science Sub Group on Petition PE1229


2005: Biological Records Centre: Report 1999-2004.  JNCC

Reference: Hill, M.O., Arnold, H.R., Broad, G.R., Burton, V.J., James, T.J., McLean, I.F.G., Preston, C.D.,Rowland, F. & Roy, D.B. (2005) Biological Records Centre: Report 1999-2004 JNCC Report, No. 370 


2006: National Biodiversity Network – Future Requirements.  JNCC


2001: A Proposal for an Accreditation System for Local Record Centres. NBN and The Wildlife Trusts

This report was prepared as a contribution to the development of the NBN as part of the NBN’s Linking Local Record Centres (LRCs) Project.  This proposal for an Accreditation System for Local Record Centres has been prepared
as part of the NBN’s Linking LRCs Project.


2001: A Vision for Local Record Centres in Scotland.  NBN and The Wildlife Trusts

The National Biodiversity Network’s Linking Local Records Centres project completed a consultation exercise looking at the potential geographical distribution of LRC s throughout Scotland. Based on the feedback of sixty-two respondents this paper evaluates and assesses the advantages and disadvantages of the different models proposed, from the perspective of national, regional and local users bodies.


2001: The NBN Gateway and LRCs;  How can they complement each other? NBN and The Wildlife Trusts

This report was prepared as a contribution to the development of the NBN as part of the NBN s Linking Local Record Centres (LRCs) Project. The Wildlife Trusts lead the Linking LRCs on behalf of the NBN. This project was funded by Countryside Council for Wales; English Nature; Scottish Natural Heritage; The Esmee Fairbairn Charitable Trust and The Wildlife Trusts.


2001: Biological Recording in the Highlands and Islands.  SNH

The purpose of the report was to i) stage the basic aims of biological recording; ii) describe how, in what form, and by whom, biological records are gathered; iii) describe the particular challenges of biological recording in the Highlands and Islands; iv) review sources of information and the state of biological recording; v) suggest a strategy for the strengthening of existing biological record centres and their networks of contributors, and establishing new ones where they do not exist and vi) provide suggestions for a programme of development of their activities, if additional funding can be made available.

Reference: Evans, I. M. and Mann, L. 2001. Biological recording in the Highlands and Islands: strategy and proposals. Scottish Natural Heritage Research, Survey and Monitoring Report No 155


1995: Biological Recording in the UK: Present practice and future development

The report had its genesis in the observation in the Linnean Society’s 1988 report Biological Survey: Need and Network, namely that: “Although considerable effort is expended on biological survey and surveillance in the United Kingdom by voluntary professional and statutory bodies, no effective system exists for the overall co-ordination of recording and monitoring of wildlife and habitat resources”.

The investigation made a detailed assessment of: the kinds of biological records made and maintained; the resources devoted to such work and; the purposes for which records were made and kept and the use made of them.

Reference: Burnett, John; Copp, Charles; Harding, Paul. 1995 Biological recording in the United Kingdom – present practice and future development. Volume 2 Appendices.


1993: Biological recording in the Highlands: The first five years

  • 1993 – Biological recording in the Highlands – the first five years 1987-1991 – Highland Biological Recording Group – HBRG . Evans [PDF, 20pp, 600kB] – PENDING SHARING PERMISSION

Reference: Evans, I.M, (1993) Biological recording in the Highlands: The first five years, 1987 – 1991. Galatea, Kylesku


1989: Recording of Data on Individual Species by the Biological Records Centre

The following interim report to the Nature Conservancy Council outlines the general work of the Biological Records Centre

  • 1989 – Recording of Data on Individual Species by the Biological Records Centre Interim Report [PDF, 21pp, 538kB] – PENDING SHARING PERMISSION


1983: Biological Records Centre – A national data bank 

  • 1983: Biological Records Centre – A national data bank. Leaflet [PDF, 6pp, 1272kB] – PENDING SHARING PERMISSION

Reference: Biological Records Centre (1973) The Biological Records Centre – a National Data Bank. Huntingdon, The Nature Conservancy


1977: The development of the Biological Data Bank, West Yorkshire Region.

  • 1977 – The development of the Biological Data Bank, West Yorkshire Region [PDF, ] – PENDING SHARING PERMISSION

Reference: LAVIN, J.C. & WIGMORE, G.T.D. (1977 ). The development of the Biological Data Bank, West Yorkshire Region. Museums J.,77: 2-6.