Improving access to biodiversity information and products

Do you have data on the NBN Gateway?

Help us start implementing the NBN’s new five year strategy by completing our questionnaire The NBN Secretariat has launched the National Biodiversity Network’s new five-year strategy that has been prepared with your help over the last 12 months. That strategy sets out how we will collaborate to collect, curate, share, analyse and use biological data. In particular it describes how the Network family will grow our commitment to sharing biological data.
As a starting point for strategy implementation, we have sent a questionnaire to all 160 NBN Data Partners.  If you have not received this questionnaire, and would like tell us your views of the following five important work areas you can find a link to the the questionnaire below. 

Five core work areas for the NBN

  1. Making certain data types more openly available to meet the new policy direction of the NBN strategy
  2. Speeding up data flow (without compromising quality).
  3. Transferring NBN data holdings to a new platform (built using the Atlas of Living Australia biodiversity data infrastructure)
  4. The global role of the NBN
  5. Ordnance Survey and Vice-County boundaries

These questions and your answers will form a start point for implementing the NBN’s new five year strategy.
Please note, you can edit your response once submitted, but the form cannot be saved before submitting your response. You can download a pdf version of this questionnaire to complete before entering your response online. 
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please submit your completed surveys by the end of Friday 28th August
Complete the survey .
Download the pdf to complete the survey offline first
Thank you for your continued support.  The Secretariat of the NBN looks forward to working with you to implement the new NBN Strategy 2015-2020.

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